Tips For Choosing The Right Area Rug For Your Living Room

Home & Garden Blog

Adding an area rug to your living room isn't easy. Since the rug takes up so much space, it can make or break the décor of the entire area. If you've ever seen an off-color area rug sitting on someone's floor you probably know exactly what that looks like. The area rug you choose has to complement all the elements in your living room, not just one or two. Here's how you can choose the best area rug for your living room.

Match shapes – If you have a square shaped space, you should consider a square shaped area rug. Alternatively, if you can match the general shape of your furniture arrangement. For example, if the furniture in your living room forms a loose circle, then a circular area rug can work fine.

Show care with patterns – In a larger space, like your living room, there's already enough to draw the eye. An area rug heavy on patterns may dominate people's attention. The simpler the better, unless you intentionally want to distract people from the rest of your living room.

That isn't to say you shouldn't indulge in a pattern. Just make sure the pattern doesn't distract from the whole of the space.

Treat the rug like a rug – Area rugs serve a function. You should show care in keeping them clean and free of debris, but don't be afraid to use them. For example, many people will place an area rug in the middle of the living room but only place something like a coffee table on it.

The area rug is a part of the whole space, not separate from it. It's okay to place the legs of your furniture and other things on the rug. In fact, you're doing your décor a disservice if you treat the rug like it's a separate entity from everything else.

Try layering – Many people shy away from area rugs they love because they feel the price is just too high. It's true that some hand, Persian, and custom rugs can become a little pricey. But it's okay to buy a smaller cut of the rug you want if you apply some layering to your living room.

For example, if you can only afford a narrow cut of the area rug you want, then you can purchase a larger, cheaper area rug to use with that narrow cut. You can pick a cheaper rug that complements the more expensive cut and layer the expensive cut on top. This will actually give you a lot more style options.

Start from scratch – If you're in a position to completely decorate your living room from scratch, you may want to think about starting with the area rug. You can start with the rug and then build everything else around that. This will give you the opportunity to pick elements that go with the rug until you have a cohesive whole.

Choosing the right area rug for your living room comes with many considerations. But it doesn't have to turn into a frustrating ordeal. The golden rule is that you consider your area rug as a part of your whole living room, not as a single piece. And no matter what you do, always make sure that you purchase your rug from a professional area rug seller.


27 May 2015

Lawn Care Maintenance: A Year Round Effort

Most of us take great pride in our homes and do everything we can to ensure its beauty and comfort. While attending to our home's interior, we sometimes tend to neglect the lawn, especially during winter. Since moving into my "dream home" I feel compelled to maintain the lawn and garden as impeccably as I do the interior. That's why I've hired a lawn care team to see that my landscape is in tip-top shape all year round. I've learned the importance of fertilization during the late fall and early winter. Keeping the lawn trimmed during those cold winter months will help, too. The experts even help prepare my lawn for the upcoming spring. During this time, family celebrations and parties are plentiful, and I plan to have the best looking lawn on the block. I can't wait for spring to come!